Jun 11
European Picota cherries arrive in the UK for summer season

The European Picota cherries have hit the shelves in the UK for their short season of…

Jun 11
Large volumes of Malaysian durians will be harvested in July

The Malaysian durian harvest season has started. Manager He, a spokesperson for…

Jun 11
EarthFirst Films by Sidaplax produces PHA home compostable packaging film

EarthFirst Films by Sidaplax, a global bioplastic film technology and manufacturing…

Jun 11
Italian lime grower achieves a yield of 30 kilos per tree

Domenico Maraglino, an Italian citrus grower from Massafra (Taranto), decided to start…

Jun 11
“This new machine means we can sort our cherries optically”

This year’s cherry season isn’t as voluminous as last year’s.…