May 17
Peru’s largest vertical organic garden donates its vegetables to soup kitchens

Source: Fresh Plaza Peru’s largest vertical organic garden is located in 685 m²…

May 17
“It’s a matter of time before Ecuador’s banana crop gets hit by Fusarium”

Source: Fresh Plaza Fusarium and bananas have a several decade-long history together.…

May 17
Cordoba’s garlic harvest begins with a good forecast for volume and prices

Source: Fresh Plaza Asaja Cordoba reported that the garlic harvest and the mechanized…

May 17
Digital technologies keep farmers productive during COVID 19

Source: Fresh Plaza The COVID 19 pandemic has made more clear than ever the need for…

May 17
McCain says western Victoria powerline project might jeopardize potato production

Source: Fresh Plaza A high capacity powerline proposed through one of Victoria’s top…

May 17
CropLife Latin America warns of the impact that the European Green Deal could have on Latin America

Source: Fresh Plaza CropLife Latin America has analyzed the consequences that the…