The Nutri Group, a Quebec-based egg grader and processor acquires a building in the…
Naniss Gadel-Rab (CNW Group/Mondelez International, Inc.) TORONTO — Mondelēz…
Ontario beef farmers have agreed to a check-off increase of $1.50, bringing the total…
The Canadian federal government said Feb. 19 it had secured 500,000 doses of a human…
Glacier FarmMedia—A former assistant chief commissioner of the Canadian Grain…
Glacier FarmMedia | MarketsFarm — Updated estimates from Agriculture and Agri-Food…
Nicolas Amyot (CNW Group/METRO INC.) MONTREAL — METRO Inc. announced the appointment…
Glacier FarmMedia—In face of U.S. foreign aid funding cuts that are devastating…
Istanbul | Reuters — Turkey has begun exporting around 15,000 tonnes of eggs to the…
WINDSOR — NEXE Innovations Inc., a compostable materials company, announces that it…