FoodIndustryNetwork News

Oct 21
No active bird flu outbreaks among Canadian poultry, CFIA says

There are no active outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza among Canadian…

Oct 21
Bird flu cases presumed in four Washington farm workers, state says

Chicago | Reuters—Bird flu is presumed to have infected four poultry workers in…

Oct 21
Indian buyers expect no disruption in Canadian lentil, potash supplies

New Delhi | Reuters — Indian buyers do not expect supplies of Canadian lentils and…

Oct 21
NFU calls for efficacy testing of non-fertilizer supplements 

Glacier FarmMedia—The federal government should re-instate efficacy testing for…

Oct 21
Producers to be paid out 75 per cent on claims against Global Food and Ingredients

Producers who weren’t paid for deliveries to Global Food and Ingredients Inc. (GFI)…

Oct 21
Jillian Harris looks back on five years of The Jilly Box

Breadcrumb Trail Links Life Fashion & Beauty Seasonal subscription box shares the…

Oct 21
Canada will defend dairy sector against New Zealand trade dispute say ministers

The federal government says it will defend Canada’s dairy sector after New Zealand…

Oct 21
How farmers can use solar power without damaging the rest of their operation

As the world races to meet net-zero targets, emissions from all industrial sectors…

Oct 21
Speedy US corn and soy harvests strain farmers, storage capacity

Chicago | Reuters — U.S. farmers are harvesting two of the largest corn and soybean…

Oct 21
ALUS receives grant from Coca-Cola to support watershed health in communities across Canada

The new funding from The Coca-Cola Company will help Canadian farmers and ranchers in…