The FSA has updated its food allergen labelling and technical guidance with the aim of…
The Food and Drink Federation has released new guidance to help food and drink…
olam food ingredients’ AI-powered research predicts a greater fusion of Eastern and…
According to a University of Surrey study, using artificial methods for growing crops…
Tapioca starch-based ingredient specialist Texture Maker will introduce Chewco, a…
Squeaky Bean is continuing to innovate in the plant-based category with the launch of…
We all know how good fast food burgers look in the pictures: sumptuous patties, oozing…
Britain’s retailers have received a boost from consumers making themselves beach-ready…
From left William Watkins MD of Radnor Hills and Simon Oldham MD of Highland Spring…
The Food Standards Agency has announced the appointment of Dr Rhian Hayward MBE as…