International FoodIndustryNetwork News

Dec 08
Horizon Europe invests €25 million for sustainable protein research

Investing €25 million, Horizon Europe will be part of an EU programme that will…

Dec 08
Son Mozambique’s former president jailed for food fraud

Following a fishing project scandal, the son of the former president of Mozambique has…

Dec 08
Mondi designs new paper-based secondary packaging for chilled surimi sticks

Mondi lands a catch with Krissia® surimi sticks and its switch to recyclable,…

Dec 08
Fifa World Cup fans on pace to spend record amounts at tournament venues

Fans at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar are on pace to spend record amounts at…

Dec 08
Tetra Pak’s whole processing method boosts nutritional content and removes waste

Tetra Pak has developed a processing method for soya drinks, which utilises the entire…

Dec 07
Developing world may need to find $2.5 trn over 5 yrs to meet debt costs

Developing nations may need to find as much as $2.5 trillion over five years to…

Dec 07
UK supermarkets launch Christmas price war with 19p veg offer | Supermarkets

Aldi, Lidl and Sainsbury’s have kicked off the annual price battle on Christmas…

Dec 07
Belize – Taiwan ICDF sheep management workshop

Taiwan assists Sheep and Goat farmers in Belize. By Government Press Office | BELIZE…

Dec 07
US food system at risk due to rural veterinary shortages

A report has claimed that the US is facing an “alarming shortfall” of veterinarians to…