International FoodIndustryNetwork News

Jun 17
Researchers use plants to enhance baby formula nutrition

Researchers at UC Berkeley and UC Davis have engineered plants to produce human milk…

Jun 17
Lutetia tumblers deliver defrosting, curing, marinating, drying, and smoking

Lutetia has developed patented technology using straight injection of smoke into the…

Jun 17
NewMoo develops plant-based casein for making cheese

Food-tech start-up NewMoo is makes its debut in the “happy cow” space by using plant…

Jun 17
Wall’s Pastry launches new all day breakfast range

Wall’s is targeting breakfast occasions with the launch of its first to market All Day…

Jun 17
Endangered item being sold in food market in New York

According to researchers from Cornell University, endangered sea cucumbers are being…

Jun 17
Italy – African Development Bank Group, met on the sidelines of G7

ITALY / AFRICA – Prime Minister (PM) of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, and the President of…

Jun 16
INTERPOL regional conference closes with renewed push against organized crime

TIRANA, Albania – INTERPOL’s European Regional Conference has ended with renewed…

Jun 16
Digital remittances reduce poverty and drive rural transformation

Connecting millions of ‘unbanked’ women and men, new IFAD-authored G20 report reveals…

Jun 16
Abu Dhabi building partnerships to attract investments, tackle global food shortages and water scarcity

ABU DHABI, UAE — Abu Dhabi is paving the way for international investors to capitalise…