Moldovan farms experience first hail damage in 2021

Late last week, rain and hail struck northern parts of Moldova. The agricultural lands of the Soldanesti region suffered the most from the hail. Large hailstones seriously damaged tens of hectares of fruit orchards in some villages of the region.

Still, insurance company experts argue that there are few cases of requests from farmers to conduct damage surveys. Employees of insurance companies assume that hail has mostly damaged the small farms which do not have insurance. In addition, it was mainly the leaf cover that suffered from the hail, and not the fruit which in most cases is not yet formed due to the cold weather.

Also, experts in this regard note that such mechanical damage to fruit trees, as shown by the consequences of the April 2017 snowstorm, can have a paradoxical effect: to somewhat reduce the amount of harvest, but significantly increase the quality and size of the remaining fruits.


Photo source:

Source: Fresh Plaza
