New Macfrut edition to return with four dynamic areas

Fairs with distracted hostesses distributing flyers outside of stands and company owners waiting for clients to appear are a thing of the past not only because of Covid, but also because this is 2020, not the 1990s. And, while fair organizations still believe in this formula, companies should have understood it by now. Macruft (September 7-9, 2021) understood it years ago and, in fact, it set up a digital version in 2020 and, in 2021, it will introduce 4 demonstration areas where visitors will be able to view innovations firsthand and talk to technicians and experts.

“The future of the sector is linked to the development of technology that reduces costs and increases quality and yields. Having the possibility to see these innovations at work is excellent for producers and technicians. These technologies often improve environmental, economic and social sustainability and are increasingly demanded by consumers and strongly supported by European policies. The four dynamic areas at Macfrut go in this direction: they provide an overview of an ever-changing sector,” explains dynamic area coordinator Luciano Trentini.

“Macfrut represents the re-start of the sector after Covid. This is why, as a Consortium, we have decided to invest on the digital and physical part of the fair as well as on the test field where we will be able to showcase our latest innovations,” reports Cermac president Enrico Turoni.

Macfrut will boast four dynamic areas showcasing different products, yet all dedicated to innovation. More in detail, Macfrut will be home to the fourth edition of the International Asparagus Days; a test field for agricultural machinery at Macfrut Field Solution; Acquacampus, dedicated to what is new when it comes to irrigation; Greenhouse Tecnology Village dedicated to protected crops.

International Asparagus Days
The fourth edition will include tests, conventions and visits to the fields. It will be set up with the technical-scientific support of Christian Befve, one of the chain’s leading experts, and it will focus on all parts of the asparagus sector: new varieties, nursery productions, soil preparation, harvesting and eco-friendly processing to guarantee high quality to final consumers. 

Macfrut Field Solutions
A real demonstration field covering over 1,000 square meters, larger than in past editions, where growers and technicians can see how machines and equipment operate. This area will be set up in cooperation with Cermac, the consortium for the internationalization of the Italian producers of machines, equipment, technologies and accessories for agriculture and the agricultural industry. 

Water is a primary good. Acquacampus will showcase the latest water technologies for greenhouses and open fields. CER (Canale Emiliano Romagnolo) will set it up with the coordination of Gioele Chiari and together with ANBI (Associazione Nazionale delle Bonifiche Italiane).

Greenhouse Technology Village
There is increasing talk about vertical farming, soil-less crops and floating systems. The Greenhouse Technology Village is a true village dedicated to greenhouse innovations. The producers of technologies, materials, technical means and seeds as well as specialized nurseries will showcase what is new in this segment. 

Source: Fresh Plaza
