Guatemalan agro exporters intent on accessing Canadian market

Agro exporters from Guatemala, always looking for new markets, were provided with information on the opportunities to export to Canada and the multiple trade options afforded by the country.  Information and guidance was provided during a virtual event organized by the Embassy of Guatemala in Canada, Guatemala’s Network of Trade Commissioners and the Canadian Delegation of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.

Daniel Rodríguez, Manager of IICA’s International Trade and Regional Integration Program, gave recommendations for the different stages from preparation and development of negotiations to drafting the contract and starting the business relationship so that the exporters could be prepared to negotiate with potential buyers.

”One of the biggest challenges that [the exporters] face when negotiating with a buyer is that they don’t always have all the answers that the buyer expects, which would streamline their export process,” Rodríguez told

To that end, he explained that it is essential that exporters define their ”business objectives in the target market, the characteristics that set their products apart, their export supply, packaging specifications, product delivery times, and payment method”. Other key aspects include ways to penetrate the market, the market segment, and geographic location.

Source: Fresh Plaza
