The cherry has been the only stone fruit in Aragon that has managed to survive the drastic drop in production caused by the spring frosts and the rains of recent weeks, which have reduced fruit production in the autonomous community by 14%. In fact, cherry production is expected will be 19% higher than last year, according to data presented by UAGA on Friday; a figure that contrasts with the expected drop in the harvest of peaches, nectarines, and apricots.
The cherry will be the only crop to survive with 35,000 tons; a benchmark at the national and European level, said the head of the fruit sector at UAGA, Oscar Moret.
According to UAGA estimates, Cinca Medio, Bajo Cinca, and La Litera’s production -especially of apricots and peaches- will drop by 50% due to frost. Jiloca also suffered inclement weather but wasn’t severely affected, and Calatayud’s producers had prepared their crops for the low temperatures so they will have an acceptable production, Moret stated.
31% less peach
Producers are expected to collect 158,000 tons of peaches in this campaign, i.e. 31% less than last year, which will affect Calanda, Lower Aragon, and the sectors involved with agriculture, such as transport or storage.
In this sense, the production of Mazaleon was affected by a virus transported in plant material, which destroyed all of the production of this cooperative. “Only 7 out of 180 hectares remain. It’s quite a serious problem for the area. It wasn’t caused by the farmers but they are the ones bearing the brunt. We are forced to pay royalties and we end up having this type of problem that can ruin the local economy of an area,” lamented the head of fruit at UAGA.