Chef Tojo shares his sushi secrets to celebrate 50 years in Vancouver

Chef Hidekazu Tojo’s Vancouver restaurant has been a hot spot for many celebrities and famous chefs.

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Chef Hidekazu Tojo set out to change the Vancouver culinary scene when he moved to the city 50 years ago.


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Donning his signature hachimaki , a Japanese headband, Tojo pauses, puts down his knife and looks to the sky as he remembers his first day in Vancouver.

“It was Aug. 25, 1971 — a Sunday,” he begins, a wide grin spreading across his face. “I can still remember it like it was yesterday. Stepping off the plane, the fresh air hit me. It was very comfortable. The blue sky, green everywhere, mountains.”

While his visit to Vancouver was love-at-first-sight, Tojo didn’t realize then that the city would soon become his permanent home, where he would forever change the culinary landscape in the country with his Japanese-inspired comestible creations.

Chef Hidekazu Tojo.
Chef Hidekazu Tojo. Photo by Leila Kwok

At 21, Tojo had arrived in Vancouver to work at Maneki — one of the city’s first Japanese restaurants — thanks to an invitation from his sponsor, the restaurant’s owner.


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“At the time there were only five or six Japanese restaurants, all with offerings similar to Kobe Steakhouse — focused on teppanyaki-style and cooked foods such as sukiyaki, shabu-shabu, teriyaki, and tempura. There was no sushi in the city,” Tojo shares.

Most of the customers who visited Maneki were new immigrants and businessmen visiting from Japan, and they often requested sushi and sashimi. Recognizing a hole in the industry, the restaurant decided to open a sushi bar.

Excited to work in a coastal city with easy access to fresh seafood, Tojo headed to Japantown, now Railtown, Chinatown and the local fishing docks, and was disappointed to discover that the fishermen were putting their freshly caught fish on ice.


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“Many fishermen would pile ice onto the fish which would cause ice burn, uneven colouring — lower-quality fish for sushi,” he explained.

While the city was known for its fresh seafood, the fishermen didn’t know how to catch and prepare fish for raw cuisine, he says.

Eager to re-educate, Tojo says he offered to pay the fishermen 10 to 15 per cent more for their catch if they promised to take better care of the fish, removing the guts and gills and bleeding the fish properly — a process that was new to Canadian fishermen but common in Japan. This process produced better-quality fish that lasted longer, and it soon became the gold standard in the city, he says.

Armed with better fish for raw food preparation, Tojo then began getting creative with his process. He soon discovered what would become his biggest secret behind his successful sushi-making process: that using aged fish produced better results than fresh-off-the-boat seafood.


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“Like steak, tuna is better with age,” Tojo explains. “There’s a science to getting the exact right temperature, quality and colour. But when done properly, there is nothing better.”

Determined to prove himself, Tojo hosted cooking demos and tastings, urging customers to try sushi the fresh way — and then his way.

“Once they tried it, they got it. Mine was better,” Tojo proclaims enthusiastically.

Tojo is known as an innovative chef. While he implements cooking techniques acquired during his early days in Japan, he puts his own spin on every dish he creates, focusing on seasonal items that are inspired by his roots but rooted in the Pacific Northwest where he now calls his home.

He not only changed the way fish was caught and prepared, but also introduced new offerings that had never been made before: the use of sablefish (Alaskan black cod) in Japanese dishes, baked oysters, adding fruits and vegetables such as avocado, mango and cucumber to maki-style sushi, and using zucchini blossoms and morel mushrooms in his custom recipes.


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He also claims to have created the first inside-out roll, known more famously as the California roll.

Armed with his “Tojo twist” on Japanese cuisine, Tojo went on to open his own restaurant in 1988.

A selection of dishes created by Chef Hidekazu Tojo.
A selection of dishes created by Chef Hidekazu Tojo. Photo by Leila Kwok

“There was pressure to call it ‘Tojo’s Sushi’ or ‘Tojo’s Japanese Restaurant’ ”, he shares, “but I wanted to keep it flexible so I kept it only as ‘Tojo’s’.”

Today, his restaurant is frequented by some of the best and brightest in the industry. Anthony Bourdain, who was a close friend, sang Tojo’s praises on a 2008 episode of his hit show No Reservations, on which he referred to Tojo as one of Vancouver’s notorious three amigos alongside Vikram Vij and Pino Posteraro.

Celebrities such as Morgan Freeman, Justin Timberlake and Johnny Depp have also dined at Tojo’s, as well as politicians from around the world.


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Tojo is celebrated for his Western take on traditional Japanese cuisine. He was recently named one of only 13 chefs in the world to have been appointed a Goodwill Ambassador for Japanese Cuisine by the Japanese government and is a recipient of a long list of awards and accolades throughout his culinary career.

To celebrate 50 years in Canada, Tojo has created a special seven-course Anniversary Omakase Experience, available until the end of November, which includes elevated renditions of some of his most famous creations. From the Celebration Roll, which nods to his inside-out maki creation from yesteryear, and comes topped with caviar, to Yakimono, the dish of which Tojo is most proud, which features a specially sourced Wild Emperor Prawn, imported from the Tokyo Toyosu Market. Grilled, topped with fresh greens, and served with onion vinaigrette, this menu is set to impress.


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Recognizing an increased desire for vegan offerings in Vancouver, Tojo is putting the finishing touches on a unique vegan menu.

“People want good quality vegetable dishes and vegan offerings,” he shares. “I’ve created a menu from my learnings at the temples I’ve visited throughout Japan. Temple food is next-level, they’ve been doing it for hundreds of years so they’ve mastered the style.”

Inspired by his hands-on experience learning the cooking techniques at those temples — where the focus is on clean, slow-cooking, no stimuli techniques — Tojo has created the soon-to-be-released Temple Omakase.

After five decades in the city’s restaurant industry, Chef Tojo laughs off the idea of retirement.

“No, no, I love cooking, I will do it until I die,” he says. “I will always stay connected to my team and my restaurant.”



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