Contributing Writer Guidelines for Progressive Grocer

As the voice of the retail food industry since 1922, Progressive Grocer’s core audience targets top management at headquarters and key decision makers at store-level. From chain supermarkets to regional and local independent grocers, supercenters, wholesaler distributors, manufacturers and other supply chain trading partners, readers rely on PG for its authoritative, comprehensive, relevant, research-based editorial content and need-to-know news. By anticipating, reporting and interpreting the grocery industry’s top trends and information, Progressive Grocer fulfills its mission to stay Ahead of What’s Next.

Guest Articles

When it comes to contributed content, Progressive Grocer does accept guest articles, but they must be geared to the audience mentioned above and be unbiased (no PR pieces or advertising content). Contributors should also be considered authorities in the topic they are writing on.

Quick guidelines for guest articles:

  • Word count: No more than 800 words
  • Article must be exclusive to Progressive Grocer (not published anywhere else, either in print or online)
  • Content should not be promotional of any company or service
  • Author must provide brief bio (including title, affiliation and contact info) and high-res (minimum 300 dpi) headshot

Also, feel free to submit original imagery to accompany articles.

NOTE: All accepted guest articles are subject to editing for space and clarity. Progressive Grocer typically follows AP editorial style.

New Products

For new product consideration, we must receive a full product description (what the product does, available flavors/varieties, when it’s available at retail), along with the packaging size in ounces, the suggested retail price(s) and at least one high-resolution .jpg file image (family images of product lines preferred).

Send contributed articles, new products and/or questions to:
Managing Editor BridgetGoldschmidt at [email protected]

For information on sponsored content or advertising opportunities, click here.
