New business & investment opportunities in sweet potato value chain

By Public Relations

The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is supporting the development of the sweet potato industry across the region.

The CDB funded ‘Regional Sweet Potato Value Chain Enhancement and Technology Transfer’ project is being implemented by the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) in several project countries including Barbados.

The project has three components: 1) Sweet Potato Value Chain Analysis, Market Assessment and Business Case Study/Investment Profiles 2) Market-Preferred Sweet Potato Varieties Research 3) Technology Transfer/Adoption.

On Tuesday, 17 January 2023, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., CARDI will be hosting a Validation Workshop for Component 1 of the project at the ministry of agriculture and food and nutritional security, Graeme Hall Christ Church.

This workshop will outline key findings about the local sweet potato value chain while highlighting promising areas of investment within the sector. A broad cross-section of value chain actors will be present to share their thoughts and discuss the findings of the project.

The Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute is the entity charged with providing for the research and development needs of agriculture in the region as identified in national plans and policies, as well as providing an appropriate research and development service to the agricultural sector of member countries. The institute was formally established in 1975 and has a presence in 14 Caribbean countries.

