Cookie Company Improves Best Selling Cookie Mix Formula

Confetti Sweets – a Canadian Company out of Edmonton, Alberta, have improved their smash-hit product – Totally Awesome Cookie Mix! After working with food scientists, their formulation has made baking fresh cookies even easier. Only one added ingredient – butter – is needed to add to the mix in order to make the perfect cookies every time. Previously the customer was required to add butter, egg, vanilla (and molasses for gingersnap cookies).  Confetti Sweets’ original cookie mix is selling in grocery stores throughout the country and sales are expected to jump even more with the new formulation! 

On top of this improved, easier to bake cookie mix, the packaging has had a complete makeover. The bright, eye catching packaging is now even brighter, easier to read (and grab off store shelves), and has a new luxe packet design. The flavours have been delineated by their own colour combinations to increase purchases of multiple flavours at one time. Confetti Sweets is excited to launch this upgrade and see the joy the mixes bring to even more customers!

