Nortera survey unveils insights for National Frozen Veggie Week


As National Frozen Veggie Week kicks off from Feb. 19-23, Nortera has revealed insights from a recent survey, shedding light on Canadians’ relationship with frozen vegetables.

The survey, which included responses from Canadians across the country, suggests a strong acceptance of frozen veggies, with 85 per cent of respondents having enjoyed the option over the past year. Furthermore, nearly half of the participants (48 per cent) say they purchase frozen vegetables at least once a month.

“When you purchase frozen vegetables, you’re getting locally grown produce that’s harvested at its peak freshness and flash-frozen to preserve their essential nutrients,” Christian Malenfant, vice president of strategic initiative, corporate communications and ESG at Nortera.

Survey findings suggest the following reasons for its popularity. The primary factor was the extended shelf life of frozen veggies, as indicated by the fact that 51 per cent of participants valued their capacity to endure for several months when stored in the freezer. Convenience also played a significant role; 37 per cent of respondents pointed to its ability to save time as a motivator. Additionally, the poll highlights the year-round availability of frozen vegetables, which 34 per cent of respondents found valuable. Financial factors are also considered; according to 27 per cent of respondents, prices that remain constant throughout the year have a role.

Thirty-three per cent of respondents mentioned cost savings when compared to purchasing fresh vegetables, given the rising cost of food. Among younger age groups, this trend is especially noticeable, accounting for 42 per cent of 18–34 year olds and 38 per cent of 35–54 year olds.

“The results from the survey affirm the essential role frozen vegetables play in Canadian kitchens, providing a nutritious and convenient solution for households across the country,” says Mario Lalancette, executive director of the Quebec Produce Marketing Association. “Frozen Veggie Week is a fantastic initiative that brings attention to the frozen vegetable aisle and all the culinary possibilities it contains.”

Frozen green peas emerge as the frontrunner, constituting 14.2 per cent of all frozen veggies purchased in Canada. Great for soups and pasta dishes, it was popular among Canadians, including young audiences. Other popular choices include corn, mixed veggies, and broccoli.

Nortera has developed, a complete website that provides wholesome recipes, practical advice for adding more vegetables to daily meals, and insights into the advantages of selecting frozen vegetables in time for Frozen Veggie Week.

“The enthusiasm of consumers for frozen vegetables is a source of pride for producers who are working on the development and marketing of vegetables destined for processing. This initiative helps to highlight the benefits of consuming frozen vegetables, which are high-quality products that not only represent a convenient and healthy option but also have a positive impact on the local economy. We support this promising trend for the food industry and the work of local agricultural producers,” says Pascal Forest, president of the Quebec Vegetable Processing Producers.

