International recycling leader champions innovative solutions to address the plastic crisis 

TORONTO, Ontario (July 10, 2024) –– According to Earth Action, nearly 70 million tons of plastic will enter the environment this year. With Plastic Free July in full swing, TerraCycle invites individuals, businesses, organizations, and communities to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. 

“Plastic Free July is a crucial moment for collective action—we can all make a difference by buying less, reducing our consumption, and reusing what we have,” said Tom Szaky, Founder and CEO of TerraCycle. “At TerraCycle, our mission of Eliminating the Idea of Waste drives us to advocate for reducing virgin plastic production and to develop recycling solutions for hard-to-recycle materials, keeping plastic waste out of landfills and incinerators.”

Here’s how consumers can join TerraCycle in taking meaningful action against plastic pollution:

  • Make sustainable swaps: Opt for reusable alternatives like silicone food storage containers to eliminate single-use plastics from daily life. When these items and appliances eventually reach the end of their usability, TerraCycle provides free recycling solutions to keep them out of landfills and incinerators. 
  • Host a community clean-up event: Cigarette butts are the most commonly littered item in the world, constituting 38 percent of roadway waste. Their plastic filters make them unrecyclable through curbside recycling services. Join TerraCycle’s free UNSMOKE Cigarette Free Recycling Program—the only way to recycle cigarette butts in Canada—to help keep roadsides, sidewalks, beaches, waterways, and green spaces litter-free.
  • Recycle everything: Reduce single-use plastic waste at home, work, school, and beyond by recycling the unrecyclable. Through Zero Waste Box, TerraCycle provides a comprehensive, all-in-one recycling solution for virtually any plastic item not accepted through typical curbside recycling services, such as flexible packagingPPE, and pens and markers. In honor of Plastic Free July, we’re celebrating with a big sale on all Zero Waste Boxes from July 22 to 28, no code necessary. Visit to shop.
  • Donate to non-profit organizations working to clean up plastic: It can be challenging to completely avoid plastic. Through the TerraCycle Global Foundation, consumers can offset their plastic use by supporting efforts to clean up trash from the world’s waterways. For every dollar donated, the Foundation can remove 2 lbs of waste from rivers and canals before it reaches the ocean.

To learn more about TerraCycle and its innovative recycling solutions, visit

About TerraCycle

TerraCycle is an international leader in innovative sustainability solutions, creating and operating first-of-their-kind platforms in recycling, recycled materials, and reuse. Across 21 countries, TerraCycle is on a mission to rethink waste and develop practical solutions for today’s complex waste challenges. The company engages an expansive multi-stakeholder community across a wide range of accessible programs, from Fortune 500 companies to schools and individuals. To learn more about TerraCycle and join them on their journey to move the world from a linear economy to a circular one, please visit  


