Belgian Vegetable Processing Sector Union gets new general secretary

On Monday, September 13, 2021, Noémi Van Bogaert started as general secretary / scientific advisor at Vegebe. Vegebe is Belgium’s union for the vegetable processing sector. Noémi replaces Nele Cattoor, who left the sector in June. After 15 years, Nele had decided to take up a new challenge.

Noémi defended her doctoral dissertation in 2016. It was about the epidemiology of plant pathogens (Pospiviroidae) in ornamental and vegetable production. That was at Ghent University’s Faculty of Bioengineering. Noémi collaborated with the Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food Research (ILVO) for this.

She received a Belgian American Educational Foundation grant. So shortly after completing her dissertation, she went to the US for a year. There she did post-doctoral research. That was on innovative plant virus detection methods. More recently,  Noémi has worked as a scientific attaché. That was at ILVO, where she coordinated several European research projects.

As the new point of contact, Noémi will help provide services for members of three groups. These are Vegebe, Belgapom en Fresh Trade Belgium. She will continue working on all the current cases. These concern issues like the environment, sustainability, food safety, and legislation. Noémi will also develop Vegebe activities further.

For more information:
Noémi Van Bogaert
3 Sint-Annaplein
9290, Berlare, Belguim
Tel: +32 (0) 933 91 253 

Source: Fresh Plaza
