
May 19
Cultivated meat likely to make up 40% of future meat intake, shows study

New research, published on 11 May 2021 by the journal Foods, affirms that cultivated…

May 19
Mercuriusprijs zoekt opvolger voor Foodmaker

Handelsfederatie Comeos gaat op zoek naar vernieuwing in de retailsector. Wie wint dit…

May 19
Metro Vancouver ‘trucker’ food (Part 1)

Breadcrumb Trail Links Local Food Reviews Life Food Here are a few of the relatively…

May 19
Long weekend grilling: 6 savoury BBQ recipes

Breadcrumb Trail Links Recipes Life Food Some Vancouver chefs and restaurant teams…

May 19
Opinion: U.S., Canada have same challenge selling green policies

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and United States President Joe Biden are fighting the…

May 19
Coronaconsumenten eten meer pizza van Dr. Oetker

Wie thuis zit, eet meer diepvriespizza. Dr. Oetker zag zijn wereldwijde omzet met 11%…

May 19
Picnic wil Frankrijk stad per stad veroveren

De Nederlandse onlinesupermarkt Picnic gaat officieel in Frankrijk van start. Na een…

May 19
Consumers are more confident about healthy eating as pandemic impacts wane, study says

Dive Brief: Consumers have become confident about healthy eating, with about two…

May 19
How Australian-Lebanese model Jessica Kahawaty launched a popular food venture during a pandemic

DUBAI:  Model, actress, humanitarian and entrepreneur, Jessica Kahawaty continues to…

May 19
Biowebshop Kazidomi dit jaar klimaatneutraal

Kazidomi, een Belgische webshop die zich specialiseert in biologische en ecologische…