bubly gives Canadian fans a melon reasons to smile

As part of a year-long bublé parté filled with more fun, more smiles, and more delicious flavours, bubly, Canada’s favourite sparkling water, is excited to announce a third limited edition flavour to the Canadian market – watermelonbubly! Perfect for any summer celebration this refreshing new flavour is sure to give Canadian bubly fans a melon reasons to smile. We believe it will be a great fit if you’re working on any stories highlighting new and notable products.  

watermelonbubly, which has been exclusively available in the US, is now available in 12-packs and single serve cans at major grocery, convenience, drug stores and gas stations across the country.

“As Canada’s favourite sparkling water beverage, the outpouring of love and excitement for new bubly flavours has encouraged us to think big about growing our portfolio to be able to offer Canadians the best variety in the market,” says Lourdes Seminario, Senior Marketing Director, Hydration at PepsiCo Canada. “We know Canadians are looking for flavour variety and we’re excited to keep the bublé parté going throughout the summer with our newest flavour, watermelonbubly!

watermelonbubly is the third in a series of limited-edition flavours introduced in Canada this year. The first, mangobubly, was met with a mango-ificant response in late January, followed by the very a-peeling applebubly in May.

bubly continues to grow a loyal fanbase in the sparkling water category with refreshing and delicious flavours, and a positive and playful sense of humour, all while keeping it real by containing no calories, no sweeteners, and all smiles. bubly sparkling water is available in a variety of delicious flavours: the newest addition, watermelonbubly, joins peachbubly, pineapplebubly, blackberrybubly, cherrybubly, strawberrybubly, limebubly, grapefruitbubly and orangebubly.  

Source: westerngrocer.com
