Burgundy Broccoli announces development of new variant

Burgundy Broccoli, the brand that launched the UK’s first whole head purple broccoli which can be eaten in entirety, either raw or cooked, has announced the development of a new variant which will be available for shoppers to purchase in 2021.

The Burgundy variant will now also be available in a purple sprouting broccoli (PSB) from spring 2021 following a hugely successful trial period in nationwide retailers, with rapid sales growth of PSB since the introduction of the product last year.

Purple broccoli products are known for the heightened anti-oxidant compounds compared to their green counterparts. The new PSB will also benefit from the superlative tenderness of the Burgundy variant, making it a delicious and versatile vegetable product.

Produced by seed developers Elsoms, based in Lincolnshire, the PSB will be grown in the UK from spring right through to November, allowing UK shoppers to access British-grown quality brassicas throughout the year.

Source: aafarmer.co.uk

Source: Fresh Plaza
