Thermos Brand ICON™ Series (CNW Group/Canadian Thermos Products Inc.)
TORONTO — Canadian Thermos Products Inc. released a statement standing by their own products in light of recent recalls issued by other manufacturers in the industry. They say their Thermos brand follows rigorous testing and strict quality control measures to ensure durability and reliability.
Canadian Thermos Products Inc. says they are committed to providing their customers with product designs that have been thoroughly tested and meet or exceed applicable government standards.
Canadian Thermos Products Inc. says they also ensure that the products they offer comply with the applicable lead regulations from the Canada Consumer Safety Product Act (Specifically: Regulations SOR/2018-83). The products also reportedly comply with applicable United States product requirements such as lead and phthalates restrictions of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA), Soluble Heavy Metal Contents (ASTM International F963-08), Lead Content Test (US Consumer Product Safety Commission 16 Code of Federal Regulations 1303), and the Food and Drug Administration Regulations (applicable 21 Code of Federal Regulations for food contact surfaces).