Codex Standard on table grapes to be adopted as Philippine National Standard

Based on the Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database, the Philippines has a total grape area of 389 hectares, with a total production of 214 tons of table grapes. But even with this volume of production, the Philippines still imports table grapes. In 2019 alone, the nation imported some 46,456 tons.

In order to ensure fair trade among regulated commodities imported in the Philippines, and guided by its commitment to adopt 100% of relevant ASEAN and Codex standards as PNS, the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS) undertook the Adoption of Codex Standard for Table Grapes as Philippine National Standard.

The proposed PNS for Table Grapes will apply to commercial varieties that are to be supplied fresh to consumers after preparation and packaging. The standard excludes grapes meant for processing.

Table grape cultivation, particularly red cardinal grape, originally grown in California, was introduced in the country during the 1970s in the province of La Union. To date, the red cardinal is the most common variety cultivated by most grape-growers in the Ilocos Region. reports that, with the adoption of the Codex Standard for Table Grapes and ensuring its applicability to the Philippines, BAFS hopes that through this endeavor the local farmers will be able to dominate the export market in the near future.

Source: Fresh Plaza
