“Demand for Egyptian red onions is steady”

The Egyptian red onion season is in full swing. While the start was slower due to the ongoing season in India, demand is steady at the moment. Sizes are over the 60mm mark and prices are similar to last season. One exporter states that the season will hopefully pick up even more over the next few weeks.

Due to India still being in season, the Egyptian onion season had a slower start than normal, says Ralph Nakhal, of Egyptian produce exporter Tomna: “The season for Egyptian onions started a bit slower than usual. The reason for this is the fact that India’s season isn’t over yet in terms of red onions. We hope it will start picking up any time soon. When it comes to demand for onions, it’s a bit different this season compared to previous years. However, we can state demand is steady compared to our supply.”

According to Nakhal, both quality and sizes of the onions are on a good level this year. “Our main markets for the export of our onions this season will be Canada, Europe and SouthEast Asia, specifically Bangladesh will be an important market. The sizes and the quality of red onions this year are really good, with most sizes being above the 60mm mark. In terms of prices, they are similar to what they were last year. However, prices are increasing at the moment.”

Meanwhile, Tomna is still somewhat occupied with the dry garlic season. Nakhal states they’re storing their produce in cold stores to be able to continue supplying their clients for the upcoming months: “Our dry garlic season isn’t completely over yet, as we are currently storing dry red garlic in cold stores to continue supplying our clients for a long time to come. Simultaneously, we’re getting other garlic by-products. We expect good demand for the dry garlic in the coming month. As for Tomna, we have extended our reach to many new markets this season, so we’re very satisfied overall.”

For more information:
Ralph Nakhal
Tomna for Agricultural Investment
Tel: +20 122 2419 382
Mobile: +20 100 2717 275
Email: ralph@tomna.farm

Source: Fresh Plaza
