Fruit Attraction achieves enormous success in its 15th edition, with 16% more professionals and a 10% increase in exhibitors and surface area

Madrid, 16 October 2023.- The 15th Anniversary of Fruit Attraction came to a close on 5 October with the best participation figures in the history of the trade fair. In total, 103,868 professionals from 145 countries — eight more than last year — attended the event, 16% more than last year’s edition.

The fair, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, with Andalusia as the Guest Region, registered the participation of 2,000 exhibitors from 56 countries. 64,000 net square metres of fruit and vegetables offerings were spread over 9 halls for the first time ever at the exhibition centre. This translated into a 10% increase for both sets of figures. Figures that turned Madrid into the fruit and vegetable capital of the world, as well as reaffirming the fact that Fruit Attraction is a key tool for global fruit and vegetable marketing.

The fair strengthened its claim as a major business centre for the national fruit and vegetable industry, which occupied 60% of the exhibition space, and demonstrated the importance of overseas markets, given that two-thirds of national production is exported. Spain’s fruit and vegetable producing autonomous communities were amongst the fair’s participants. Of all the Spanish exhibitors, Andalusia was the region with the largest number of companies (206), followed by the Valencian Community (155), Murcia (102), Catalonia (93) and Madrid (84). Other notable national participants also included Aragon, Extremadura, La Rioja, Castilla La-Mancha and Castilla y León, as well as Navarre, the Basque Country, Galicia, the Canary Islands, Cantabria and Asturias.

The Fresh Produce Area, the exhibition stand space for fruit and vegetable producers and retailers, was once again the largest segment, representing 70% of the fair, a 14% increase compared to last year, along with the Related Industry Area at 25%, which saw growth in two of its industries: Biotech Attraction, by 5%, and Smart Agro, by 20%. The Fresh Food Logistics Area also recorded an increase of more than 31%, with 48 participating companies.

The international segment accounted for 40% of occupancy, with 56 countries participating. On this occasion, 17 new markets joined the event, including Austria, Denmark, Cyprus and Bulgaria, thus reinforcing Europe’s strong presence.

One of the aspects that attendees valued the most was the quality and professionalism demonstrated by international visitors, whose figures grew by over 26%, representing 45% of the total number of attendees. Once again this year, the largest number of visitors came from Europe, especially from Italy, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Germany. Latin America was the region that recorded the greatest growth, from countries such as Chile, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Argentina. South Africa, the United States and Egypt, among others, also had a strong presence at the fair.

Fruit Attraction also provided participants with a platform for international promotion and expansion with the ‘International Guest Programme’, financed by the fair, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and ICEX, which attracted 700 large buyers, retail purchasing managers, importers and wholesalers from 66 countries to Madrid. This platform also features the “Noted Importing Country” programme, which went to Brazil, the United States and Canada this year.

In the field of innovation, Fruit Attraction hosted a new edition of The Innovation Hub with the exhibition of a total of 54 products and services. This area of the fair also held its Innovation Hub Awards, with the award for the Fresh Produce category going to the company xEXPRIMIR, the F&V Industry award to FMC AGRICULTURAL SOLUTION and Sustainability Actions and Commitment to CAPEC.

A full programme of conferences made Fruit Attraction a centre of knowledge for the industry, with 75 presentations on a wide range of topics and high-profile participants and speakers. Notable highlights included the 8th Grape Attraction Congress, the Biotech Attraction Conference, the Biofruit Congress and the session entitled Technological transformation, digitalisation, innovation and sustainability: 4 key investments promoted by lines of public financing, organised by FI Group and FEPEX. The fair also hosted the Biotech Forum and the 4th Fresh Food Logistic The Summit, organised by Alimarket. Noteworthy initiatives were also found in Lettuce Attraction, organised by Proexport to promote the star product of this edition, lettuce.

In addition, Factoria Chef was once again a stand space for gastronomy within Fruit Attraction, with a total of 14 attractive demonstrations and cooking shows.

Fruit Attraction 2023 was backed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food once again at its opening ceremony, which was presided over by acting Minister Luis Planas.

The fair organised the collection of fruit and vegetables from exhibitors for the Food Bank of Madrid once again this edition, collecting 32,179 kilos of fruit and vegetable products.

Organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, Fruit Attraction 2024 will be held from 8 to 10 October at the fairgrounds.

