Hy-Vee leans into micro fulfillment centers to boost efficiencies

Takeoff Technologies, the eGrocery technology that helps grocers online, announced its partnership with Hy-Vee, Inc., an employee-owned grocery retailer that serves the Midwest. Using Takeoff, Hy-Vee can further meet its customers’ growing demand for online shopping through Micro Fulfillment Centers in select metro locations. The technology will complement Hy-Vee’s Aisles Online grocery ordering system by making the process more efficient for those employees shopping orders. 

According to research by Takeoff, retailers can use micro fulfillment capabilities to fulfill an average order of 25 items with just 5 minutes of labor. The technology also increases productivity of online fulfillment by up to 10 times through its speed, accuracy, and reliability when combined with a company’s current workforce.


Source: supermarketnews.com
