Infilect boosts store profitability for global packaged food brands using advanced image recognition technology

Headquartered in Delaware, United States of America, and Bengaluru, India, Infilect Inc. is the global leader in retail visual intelligence addressing the perennial challenges that exist in the global consumer goods industry; across modern, traditional and hybrid trade channels. FMCG brands today struggle to access real-time shelf intelligence, on-shelf product availability and execution data at scale. As a result, they cannot be confident in their trade promotion strategies or the way they are being implemented across each store; this leads to lost sales and limited return on investments. Infilect’s solutions help lift per-store sales through improved in-store retail execution and automated AI powered store audits. The real-time retail visual intelligence using Image Recognition helps deliver execution insights within 60 seconds to boost in-store sales and marketing ROI through improved retail execution, at scale.

Infilect Inc., has also partnered with DataSense Inc., Canada’s leading retail business intelligence, data analytics and IT firm. Based out of Toronto, DataSense Inc. is an expert in analyzing and integrating data into one centralized data platform. Led by Peter Townsend, CEO at DataSense, their end-to-end solutions allow FMCG manufacturers and retailers to collect end-to -end data with data warehouse automation, in near real-time.

“As humans, we often believe in treating symptoms rather than investigating the real cause. With FMCG, a lot of poor retail execution can go unnoticed with present and outdated digital tools and platforms available. This is where Image Recognition is a game changer helping uncover the barriers to a successful retail execution implementation. Peter and I joined hands to open doors of next-gen retail innovations to the top packaged foods manufacturers and retailers in US and Canada.” adds Vijay Gabale, co-founder, CTO & CPO at Infilect.

One of the largest packaged food manufacturers in Asia used Infilect solution for driving efficiency and effectiveness across thousands of stores. The actionable retail execution insights were delivered to the brand in less than 60 seconds, allowing the on-field merchandizers to fix out of stock or execution issues while they are still at the store. The said brand that boasts of diversified portfolio in package foods gained an edge by tracking on-shelf product availability, pricing adjacencies, planogram implementation, promotional display intelligence, and competitive shelf metrics in real-time. The solution was able to deliver a significant execution impact including 25% improvement in their Share of Shelf, reduction by 70% in store audit time, savings on trade spends and an overall 5% growth in per-store sales within 3 months. This was not possible before, when they still relied on outdated and manual auditing methods which involved gathering in-store data from a sampled set of stores. Sales leaders, category managers and trade marketing leaders would struggle to get timely information on how their retail partners were displaying their products on shelves, making it nearly impossible to mitigate execution issues at scale.

Today’s leaders have instant access to ‘ground-level truth’, thanks to Image Recognition and AI solutions. This allows them to take complete control of their store shelves, ensuring effective and efficient retail execution across thousands of stores in real-time. “We support a 4E model; this is a pyramid framework for building out the best analytical models. At the base of the model is Execution. The exact executions at retail need to be known before any additional analytics about Effectiveness, Efficiency and Impact on Customer Equity can be measured. What Image Recognition can deliver is the realograms for these critical in-store activities.” explains Peter Townsend, CEO at DataSense Inc.

The projected market size for Image Recognition in retail is over $3.7 Billion by 2025. As the challenges for packaged food brands become more complex, the use of AI & ML solutions is becoming an indispensable tool for leading brands today. Image Recognition and AI technology is a prime pillar of this digital adoption strategy, helping transform sales & marketing leaders into game-changers.

About Infilect

Infilect Inc builds Image Recognition and Artificial Intelligence solutions purpose-built for FMCG brands, empowering sales and marketing leaders with real-time and accurate on-shelf metrics and in-store retail execution insights to simplify retail decision-making, improve in-store brand visibility and boost per-store sales, at scale. Infilect’s solutions are fast to set up, priced affordably, built to delight, yet powerful enough to deliver critical business outcomes. Infilect today processes over 25M in-store images each month from across 400K stores in 16+ countries worldwide.. For more Information, Please visit

