Linamar acquires the Salford Group

GUELPH — Linamar Corporation has completed its acquisition of the Salford group of companies, a step the company says will be important to the expansion of Linamar Agriculture’s portfolio.

“We are very pleased to complete this acquisition,” said Linda Hasenfratz, Linamar’s executive chair and CEO in a statement.

“Salford is an outstanding brand in farm tillage and crop nutrition. Together with our current ag division, MacDon, we have a solid foundation from which to execute our agriculture strategy going forward.”

Salford Group has been operating since 1978 with its headquarters in Salford, Ont. The company has three manufacturing locations in Canada and two manufacturing locations in the United States.

The Salford product lineup includes both pneumatic and spinner type fertilizer spreaders, cover crop seeders, and a range of tillage equipment. Salford’s products are engineered to be complementary to mainline OEM products and help enhance productivity, efficiency and environmental sustainability.

The company says it has been able to leverage technological developments in precision agriculture to allow producers to manage their crop production with an a reportedly higher degree of accuracy.

