Metro Ontario expands its beef sustainability sourcing

Glacier FarmMedia—Metro Ontario says it has achieved its 2022 sourcing commitment to buy three million pounds of beef from Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) Certified farms and ranches by 2026, ahead of schedule.

The grocer said in a release that from now on, the CRSB Certified Mass Balance mark will be displayed on all beef products across its Platinum Grill Angus Canadian AAA Beef Program, available in all 131 Metro stores in Ontario.

The CRSB Certified program provides credible assurances for the production, processing and sourcing of beef through certified supply chains in Canada. This means verifying outcomes across five areas of sustainability that include conserving and enhancing natural resources (land, water and air); supporting people and communities; best practices in animal care; food safety and quality, and embracing efficiencies and innovation that foster continual improvement.

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Metro Ontario said these focus areas align closely with “multiple elements” of its priorities when it comes to responsible procurement.

Ryan Beierbach, chair of the CRSB and a CRSB Certified rancher from Saskatchewan said in a release that by displaying the CRSB Certified Mass Balance mark on-pack, “Metro shows their customers they are making positive contributions through their food choices.”

