Nicola Giuliano took stock of the Apulian cherry campaign and launched his call for action

The 2021 Apulian cherry harvest has come to an end. It has undoubtedly been a difficult year, but worthy of consideration. Nicola Giuliano, manager of Giuliano Puglia Fruit, took stock of the season, and offered some recommendations to producers and the sector.

Nicola Giuliano

“The cleaning operations of our processing plant in Turi (Bari) have just started. The last pallets of Ferrovia, Sweetheart and Staccato cherries have left on 6 July 2021 for Denmark, Switzerland, Germany and, of course, Italy. It has been a campaign that we will not soon forget, precisely because it was characterized by low to medium prices, due to a combination of three factors.

An overall delay of between 7 and 10 days (for both Bigarreau and Ferrovia) caused by the bizarre weather trend in the spring months. For a 50-day campaign in total, such a marked delay means not only an early drop in the average price (taking into account also workforce difficulties), and the loss of fundamental market share at the start of the season.

Another factor contributing to the campaign were the smaller sizes compared to the standards of the Apulia region, with only 30% of cherries larger than 26 mm.

Lastly, there was a more than doubling of quantities compared to 2020.

“Despite all this, we have maintained the high-quality standards that have always distinguished Apulian crops. In addition to the higher volumes and low prices, the great heat has accelerated the ripening of the fruit and therefore the end of the campaign. However, let’s not take seasons like the one that has just ended as a reference. During these marketing weeks, I have noticed and heard many discussions. Some farmers have even cut down their own plants. This cannot, and must not, be repeated, even if moved by desperation and anger. A bad year cannot and must not lead us to think that the cherry sector is over or force us to stop doing the excellent work we have been carrying out for 50 years”.

“Let’s not forget that, in 2020, producers were targeted by brokers and traders wanting to buy batches of cherries. Therefore, we should see beyond this situation. One way to do this is to start by turning this sector around, either by introducing new cultivars and modernizing plantings, or by pruning trees lower and making harvest operations easier and cheaper. Also, by installing the right coverings to avoid the worst, in case of undesirable weather events, which are becoming more and more frequent with the global climate change. I am aware that the amount of investment required is very high”.

“During these weeks of cherry picking and selling, many operators have blamed the traders for the low prices, without knowing that the storage depots are efficient, proactive, very competitive and that the price is not set by them, but by the general trend.  Some others think that by setting up consortia, trade groups or new organizations, they can make it easier for producers to earn a better income. Has the time come for something new?”

“I believe that it is not the corporate name that changes the outcome, but rather the people, whether employed in cooperatives, sole traders or public administrations. Only those individuals with entrepreneurial talent can bring home optimal results, but they are often not given the importance and role they deserve. This is why we should join forces and innovate the Apulian cherry sector. There could be new business opportunities on the horizon, easily intercepted by other countries”.

For more information:
O.P. Giuliano Puglia Fruit
SP 65 km 4,8
70010 Turi (BA)
(+39) 080 4771540

Source: Fresh Plaza
