NotCo and Umiami win Future Food-Tech’s Innovation Challenges

NotCo and Umiami were  crowned the winners of Future Food-Tech’s Innovation Challenges with Quorn Foods and Roquette.

The Quorn Foods’ challenge was “technologies that help to achieve a whole muscle food experience.”

Roquette’s challenge was “plant-based products offering new gastronomic experiences to the consumer.”

Innovators from around the world submitted their solutions to solve the challenges set by Quorn Foods and Roquette.

After an in-depth review and judging process, the teams at Quorn Foods and Roquette selected three finalists for each Innovation Challenge. The finalists presented their solution to the judges and audience at Future Food-Tech Alternative Proteins summit on June 22.

Simone Sheehan, head of consumer and sensory science, and Adam Kemsley, head of new product development at Quorn Foods, and Jeremy Burks, executive vice-president at Roquette, revealed the winners after a final pitch session at the summit.

NotCo uses AI technology to replicate animal protein and develop plant-based products. Umiami is developing a unique and proprietary technology to texturize plant proteins.

Commenting on the winning choice for Quorn Foods, Simone Sheehan said, “We saw a fantastic array of entries for the Quorn Innovation Challenge and getting to a short-list certainly wasn’t easy. Umiami’s idea stood out due to their focus on technical solutions that address the key consumer-innovation challenges around whole cuts. We look forward to collaborating with Umiami to truly delight consumers.”

For Roquette, Jeremy Burks said, “We want to be the best partner for companies around the world who share our conviction and our growth ambition in plant-based gastronomy. NotCo demonstrated its strong understanding of consumers’ expectations, combined with an innovative technology to unlock the potential of nature. By using artificial intelligence, it brings gastronomy into a new era. At Roquette, we boost the current food revolution with brand new plant-based products, and we are thrilled to move forward together with our customers in the quest for exciting new gastronomic experiences.”

Oliver Katz, conference producer at Future Food-Tech said, “We have been impressed by the talent and diversity of fresh solutions presented by innovators across the globe. Congratulations to the two winners and we look forward to hearing more from these groundbreaking companies over the coming months.”

For more information on all finalists’ profiles and the Future Food-Tech Alternative Proteins Summit, visit

