Ontario Sheep Farmers hires new executive director

The Ontario Sheep Farmers (OSF) have hired Erin Morgan as executive director. 

The OSF began an extensive search for a new executive director following former Executive Director Jennifer MacTavish announced she would be leaving the organization at its March annual general meeting. MacTavish held the role for nine years, and held the same role at the Canadian Sheep Federation for the nine years before that.  

Morgan graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Agriculture, Agriculture operations and related sciences and has since served as executive director for Ontario Cooperative Association, Ontario Bean Growers’ general manager and manager of public affairs and communications for Grain Farmers of Ontario. 

“The search committee was impressed with Erin’s experience as an organizational leader and her enthusiasm for agriculture,” said John Hemsted, OSF chair. “Erin was the best fit to lead the Ontario Sheep Farmers.”

Source: Farmtario.com
