Organic market in Poland will benefit from new EU Green Deal strategy

Organic farms in Poland are mainly found in the northern part of the country. In the central part of Poland but also in regions where the land structure doesn’t allow creation of bigger plots, many producers are focusing on berries production. Poland is well known for its soft fruit production due to good weather conditions and acidic soil type suitable for this type of production. Therefore, organic producers focus on berries as well.

Polish organic farms generally aren’t very big. However, sometimes they are a part of a big producer. This is allowed, as one holding can be split into regular and organic production. This way of production isn’t promising for the development of organic production in Poland, but more a diversification of income on a farm.

Compared to other EU countries, organic processing in Poland is an underdeveloped segment, not exploiting raw material potential or demand potential. The reasons for this is above all the fear of bureaucracy, and uncertainty regarding availability of raw materials.

Despite the fact that the Polish organic market is characterized by major fragmentation of organic food production and supply, major differences in prices of conventional food and organic produce as well as limited availability of the organic range outside big cities, economic forecasts for the organic segment are extremely optimistic and indicate it has reached the tipping point.

According, the new EU Green Deal strategy, which aims to increase the area of organic farming in the EU to 25% of agricultural land by 2030, is a huge boost and will certainly contribute to the importance of organic farming and food in the country’s economy.

Source: Fresh Plaza
