Paying £7.15 for a sarnie? Use yer loaf | Inflation

If we are prepared to pay £7.15 for something that we could make at home for 50p, our crisis is one of expectations, not cost (Sandwich price shocks but meal deal costs rise less than average food inflation, 29 September).
Michael Heaton
Warminster, Wiltshire

I remarked to my husband that it was perverse of Rishi Sunak to ban certain dogs that might kill or injure humans (Report, 15 September), but seek to prevent traffic measures that would limit the ability of cars to kill or injure humans (Sunak expected to limit powers of councils in England to curb car use, 28 September. His response? “Dogs don’t vote for him.”
Patricia Whittaker

“I’m slamming the brakes on the war on motorists,” Rishi Sunak has announced. In reality, he is “flooring the accelerator” in a war on pedestrians and cyclists.
Theo Hopkins

In a rare example of predictive text doing better than expected (Letters, 27 September), I typed “Michael” and up popped “Rosen”. That made me very happy.
Ruth Eversley
Paulton, Somerset

I couldn’t agree more with David Duell (Letters, 28 September). Top pockets in shirts are an absolute must. I use mine for my hearing aid on visits to the barber, and my shopping list.
Peter Lawton

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that HS2 should be renamed H2S as the whole thing is starting to stink. I’m a chemist and recognise the smell.
Dr Bryan Sowerby

Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.

