International FoodIndustryNetwork News

Jan 24
Colombia finance minister Ocampo spells out actions to tackle global economic crisis

BOGOTA, Columbia – Colombia’s minister of finance and public credit, José Antonio…

Jan 24
UK trade secretary: My top five priorities for trade

The Secretary of State’s speech to the trade community on her top five priorities for…

Jan 24
Noble Foods joins the Courtauld 2030 Water Roadmap

Noble Foods has signed up for Water Roadmap to help protect water resources for food…

Jan 24
US responsible for 60 percent of global cultivated meat investment

According to a study, the US has broken the “billion dollar” barrier, accounting for…

Jan 24
Primark enjoys bumper festive UK sales as shoppers head to city centres | Primark

Primark’s sales rose ahead of expectations over Christmas as shoppers returned to city…

Jan 24
Journal review demonstrates the importance of animal-source foods

Animal-source foods — meat, fish, eggs, and dairy — play an important role globally in…

Jan 24
Could seafood lower the risk of kidney disease?

Researchers found that omega 3 fatty acids in seafood is linked to lower risk of…

Jan 24
Multi-award-winning Norwegian spirit brand launches in UK

One of the most awarded drinks brands in recent times, Bareksten Navy Strength Gin is…

Jan 23
IMF executive board approves US$105M food shock window to Haiti

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved today a…