Revealing the Guess What Happened contest winner

Earlier this month, we launched a contest to kick-start Food in Canada’s 85th anniversary celebrations. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Guess What Happened contest.

The answer: Sodium reduction measures

In 2010, Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial ministers of health agreed to reduce the average sodium intake of Canadians by a third, from 3400 mg to 2300 mg per day by the end of 2016.

Health Canada took several actions, such as consumer education, nutrition labelling changes, facilitating the use of sodium alternatives, and establishing voluntary sodium reduction targets for processed foods, to help reduce Canadians’ sodium intake.

A 2018 study found voluntary sodium reduction efforts by food manufacturers helped decrease average sodium intake by only 240 mg per day. Further, current consumption levels remain high, particularly among males, children, and adolescents. It’s hoped the front-of-package nutrition symbol on foods high in sodium, sugars, and/or saturated fat will help Canadians make healthier food choices.

Several of you guessed the correct answer. So, the winner was selected through a randomized draw. Congratulations to Rosa Morar for winning this contest. The $50 gift card will be emailed to you shortly.

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