Tate & Lyle releases 2022 Purpose Report highlighting sugar removal

Tate & Lyle has released its Purpose Report 2022 detailing progress against the targets and commitments set out in 2020 in areas such as sugar reduction, community support and tackling the climate emergency.

Nick Hampton, chief executive, Tate & Lyle, said in an “immensely challenging economic environment” the purpose of Transforming Lives through the Science of Food, it it s more important than ever to have a positive impact on “healthier living, our people and local communities, and the planet”.

Tate & Lyle highlighted its performance against targets for its three pillars: Supporting healthy living; Building thriving communities; and Caring for our planet. In 2020, Tate & Lyle set targets for the following five and 10 years under each pillar, against which good progress is being made.

In Supporting healthy living, Tate & Lyle has taken four million tonnes of sugar (31 March 2020 to 31 March 2022) out of people’s diets against a target of nine million tonnes by 2025 through its low-and no-calorie sweeteners and fibres, and the expertise of its food scientists.

Tate & Lyle said it is also supporting health education and physical activity programmes around the world and has helped 70,000 people in the last two years, contributing towards its 2025 target of 250,000. By 2025, Tate & Lyle aims for at least 90% of its employees to feel that their health and wellbeing is being actively supported by the company. In the last year, 71% of employees agreed.

In Building thriving communities, Tate & Lyle has helped its food bank partners around the world provide around 3 million (31 March 2020 to 31 March 2022) nutritious meals for people in need. In addition, in line with Tate & Lyle’s commitment to reach gender parity in leadership and management roles (around 500 people) by 2025, 42% of these roles are now held by women.

In Caring for our planet, 91% (31 December 2019 to 31) December 2021 of waste generated across Tate & Lyle was beneficially used in 2021 against a target of 100% beneficial use by 2030. In 2022, Tate & Lyle also committed to be net zero by 2050.

Purpose Report 2022: Transforming Lives through the Science of Food is available to download here.

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Source: foodanddrinktechnology.com
