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Duran ‘Dman’ Bodasing brings the vibrant cuisine of Vancouver to viewers’ screens with The Dome Cooking Show.
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Chef Duran ‘Dman’ Bodasing is aiming to bring Vancouver’s vibrant cuisine to viewers’ screens with The Dome Cooking Show.
Named after the domed condo he calls home in downtown Vancouver where much of the first season was filmed, the cooking show offers viewers an introduction to some of the people, eateries and recipes that make up the city’s culinary scene.
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Premiering on CHEK TV on Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m., Bodasing hopes his cooking adventures highlight the efforts of chefs and restaurateurs to keep afloat in this challenging market.
“As a seasoned owner and operator, I can tell you firsthand, respect the people bringing you great food every day. Because it’s not easy,” Bodasing, who previously owned and operated eateries in the city such s Video Monster in Gastown and Miss Me Yet? on West Broadway, says. “Sky-high rents and wages, combined with a recovering post-pandemic food scene, is harder than ever for Vancouver.” The show, he notes, will offer “a real history lesson” on the Vancouver food scene.
We caught up with Bodasing to learn more.
Q: How did you get into the food world?
A: My journey into the world of food started at a very early age, actually. Well before I wanted to be a graphic artist or video game designer, my mum Shamella had a seafood restaurant in the 1970s in northern Ontario called Captain Zacks. It was there that I first found my passion for food and the hospitality industry. I was the garbage boy, peeled a lot of potatoes and washed a lot of dishes back then. Mum would sit me at the bar for a Shirley Temple after school and I earned enough money to start my legendary Star Wars Toys & Comics collection.
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Q: Are you a professional chef?
A: I can’t say I boast a Red Seal, and I turned down attending culinary school for graphic design school in the ’80s. But, yes. I am definitely a professional chef. Having owned and operated several five-star reviewed eateries all over Vancouver, I have “worked the line” as we say night after long night. Serving up thousands of meals to my happy customers with many talented sous chefs and service staff backing me up.
My passion as a chef is for international comfort food that warms the heart and soul. With a heavily stamped passport in hand, I continue to travel the world in search of diverse, unfamiliar ingredients, wild recipes and a homemade meal wherever I can get one. These are the influences and foundation behind everything we create on The Dome Cooking Show. Real food for real people.
Q: What makes food such a great point for connection/discovery in Vancouver?
A: Most Vancouverites will tell you Vancouver is a “foodie town” filled with the world’s best fare in terms of variety of food. Having lived in downtown Vancouver for over 30 years, I will say it has been the joy of my life to meet so many talented chefs, service staff, suppliers and entrepreneurs in the Vancouver food scene. What makes it special for people watching The Dome Cooking Show, is seeing how all these relationships I have had for decades have lasted to this day. In the show, I visit all my foodie pals and share their latest ventures and culinary creations with you at home. You will recognize many of my guests in my kitchen.
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Q: How did the show come about?
A: You’re not going to believe this when I tell you, but here we go. I had just celebrated my 50th birthday on the last leg of the pandemic. I had an epiphany and took a good look in the mirror one day and said ‘Dman, what do you really want to do now?’
I had some buddies over in my studio and we were working on some design-related projects together. I dusted off an old script I had written for a cooking show 23 years ago. It was kind of like Futurama meets The Naked Chef. Obviously, we never made that show. They go, “Let’s shoot a little test footage of you making some tacos, Dman. And see what happens?” So we did. Then we edited it and ended up with just short of eight minutes of a decent pilot. The goal was to launch a YouTube page amd roll the dice.
However, the very next day I had a celebration of life to attend for an old friend we had just lost so it was a very tough and sad day for over a 100 of us attending the vigil at LOCAL in Kits. A kind gentleman came up to me and said “Hey, I hope you don’t mind me saying, I really like your style. Have you ever thought of being a host on television?” I said “Nice to meet you and thank you for the compliment. Did someone here tell you about the pilot we shot yesterday?” He said “You shot a pilot yesterday?” I said “It’s a cooking show. I call it The Dome Cooking Show” He said “I work for CHEK TV and I would love to see it!” So, I sent it to him that night and the next day we got a call in the truck while driving “Hello Duran, It’s the CEO of CHEK TV. Nice to meet you, I just watched your pilot and you have my attention, Duran.” Honestly, I thought it was a joke!
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After some deep insight as to what they were after and what my vision for The Dome Cooking Show was over two full seasons, we signed a fantastic deal and began our ride on this incredible journey together in only two weeks. Big shout out to everyone at CHEK TV. We are so happy and blessed to be a part of their beautiful family.
Q: What can viewers expect from the show?
A: Inspired by the Saturday mornings from my childhood in the 1970s & 1980s — and, of course, the greatest television chefs of all time — season one of The Dome Cooking Show introduces you to my world, where I live in a crazy penthouse with a massive glass dome, the markets where I shop for decades, my wonderful neighbours and wild pals in the great city of Vancouver. I cook all kinds of food that everyone can easily make for their friends and families at home using ingredients that are affordable, and usually, right around the corner. I share plenty of culinary knowledge, lots of comedy and snappy chef skills to make you a more confident kitchen star. It’s my pleasure to be invited into your homes every Saturday night on CHEK TV, and I thank you all for having me.
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Q: What are your plans from here now that season one is out?
A: Hot on the heels of season one, we are already fast into pre-production for season two of The Dome Cooking Show. This time, I leave the dome with my crew and jump in our Foodie Bus and head out across British Columbia to discover what makes this great province of ours so incredible. From the top of Whistler mountain to the lakes and vineyards of the Okanagan. I’m willing to push all my inhibitions and desires to the max and eat my way through B.C. and taste things I have never tried, cook in ways I have only dreamt of, and meet some amazing local folks along the way.
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