Months after the Nationwide Pet Rx Express prescription drug program launched in 4,700 Walmart pharmacies, the program has now expanded to include 566 Sam’s Club pharmacies.
Through this collaboration, members will have preferred pricing and the opportunity to have claims for covered drugs processed at the counter of a major retail pharmacy. Nationwide Pet Rx Express provides affordable pet prescription medicines and an expedited, in-club claims experience.
The program expansion into Sam’s Club locations gives Nationwide pet insurance members access to a total of 5,266 retail pharmacy locations to fill pet prescriptions.
“We’re working to give every pet owner access to affordable treatment on their schedule. The expansion of Nationwide Pet Rx Express into Sam’s Club pharmacies gives families even more options for keeping their pets healthy,” said Heidi Sirota, chief pet officer for Columbus, Ohio-based Nationwide.
The growing number of pet parents as a result from a work-from-home lifestyle fueled by the pandemic means that the “humanization” of pets, evident in more premium pet care products, will continue. Overall, sales of pet care products rose 8.7% in 2020, according to Euromonitor International‘s recent “Pet Care Outlook: Which Trends Will Outlast the Pandemic?” webinar.
With more than 1 million insured pets, Nationwide pet health insurance plans cover dogs, cats, birds and exotic pets for multiple medical problems and conditions relating to accidents, illnesses and injuries. Through this collaboration, members will have access to Sam’s Club’s most commonly prescribed pet-specific medications for chronic diseases and flea, tick and heartworm prevention.
Bentonville, Ark.-based Walmart, Sam’s Club parent company, operates more than 11,300 stores under 58 banners in 27 countries, and e-commerce websites, employing 2.2 million-plus associates worldwide. Walmart U.S. is No. 1 on The PG 100, Progressive Grocer’s 2021 list of the top food and consumables retailers in North America, while Sam’s Club, with nearly 600 locations, ranks No. 9 on the list.