Waterloo extends multi-million dollar deal with long-time partner

KITCHENER — Waterloo Brewing has announced the extension and expansion of a co-manufacturing agreement with a long-time partner.

The Canadian-owned brewery says the agreement will generate approximately $8 million per year. Additionally, the new extension and expansion will include the production of other ready-to-drink products in North America.

The original three-year agreement, made in January 2020, included the production of ready-to-drink products under a single trademark owned by the partner. This new extension and expansion will include the production of other beverages under three additional trademarks owned by the partner.

Waterloo Brewing manufactures alcohol beverages of all types including beer, malt and spirit-based beverages, ciders, hard iced teas and non-alcoholic beverages. The company continues to leverage its capabilities to grow its co-manufacturing business and develop long lasting relationships with key partners.

“This is an important and valued partner of ours,” said George Croft, president and CEO of Waterloo Brewing, in a statement.

“We look forward to continuing our relationship with them as they are impressive players in the North American market with global trademarks. The extension of our agreement reaffirms our desire to be co-manufacturing partner of choice within the beverage industry.”

Source: www.canadianmanufacturing.com
