Cordoba’s garlic harvest begins with a good forecast for volume and prices

Source: Fresh Plaza

Asaja Cordoba reported that the garlic harvest and the mechanized collection of garlic in the province of Cordoba has started. They also stated they expected an increase in production and good prices.

The national president of the Asaja Garlic Sector, Miguel del Pino, said that this was the second-largest garlic harvest in Spain and the first harvest to hit the market. Producers expect a good production volume and great quality because the weather conditions were very good.

If the harvest proceeds normally, producers expect to harvest nearly 30,000 tons of garlic. Last year, producers lost some garlic that had already been collected to the rain.

There is a high demand for the product as the market is currently empty. However, producers must be aware of what happens in China, their main competitor, which accounts for 83% of the world’s garlic production. Chinese garlic sales decreased as a result of COVID-19, which led to a global shortage of this food and to a 20 to 50% increase in prices in 2020 when a kilo achieved an average price of nearly 3 euro in warehouses.

This year might help the sector to recover from difficult past years, says Del Pino. “Different international markets are demanding a large amount of garlic. However, there is uncertainty on how the coronavirus pandemic will evolve worldwide and how it will affect the markets.”

This year, the province of Cordoba has approximately 2,000 hectares of garlic plantations, i.e. the same as in the previous year and similar to the 2,020 hectares of 2018.

For more information:

Asaja Córdoba 
Tel.: +34 957 480 600
