The Peruvian mango season is over, and the Ivorian one’s in full swing. “The Ivory Coast started two weeks earlier than usual. But Peru continued longer than usual. So the seasons have overlapped for the last three weeks,” says Joep Jongmans of Special Fruit. “Both countries had a remarkable number of large sizes – 6s and 7s. However, not all supermarkets take these sizes. That put extra pressure on prices. After a considerable decline, prices are currently fairly stable.”
“At the moment, the main supply comes from the Ivory Coast. That season will continue until the end of May/beginning of June. We’re satisfied with the mangos’ quality. Ivorian farmers have harvested a lot of large mangos this year. Other West African countries will follow this season. The Dominican Republic, too, is developing as a mango producing country. That season begins in May and runs until the end of July/beginning of August.”
According to Joep, there’s a good demand for mangos. “Demand is good all year round, even during the colder spring. I don’t know if that’s because of COVID-19. But more people are shopping at supermarkets. That’s true for almost all fruits and vegetables, but especially mangos. These are growing in popularity. The demand for mangos has soared, particularly in the past few years,” he concludes.
For more information:Joep Jongmans
Special Fruit
36 Europa Street
2321, Meer, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0) 333 01 792