Manitoba conservation projects receive funding

Conservation groups and non-profit organizations in Manitoba that want to improve wildlife habitat, reduce flooding or enhance soil health, can soon apply for hundreds of thousands in funding.

In early-September, the Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corp. asked interested parties to submit letters of interest, to request financial support for a conservation project in the province.

MHHC is responsible for disbursing funds from the Conservation Trust and GROW (Growing Outcomes in Watersheds) Trusts in the province.

In 2018 and 2019 the provincial government committed $204 million to the trusts. Interest from the endowment funds is used to support land and water conservation projects.

In 2022, MHHC will provide grants worth more than $9 million to support “many small-scale projects across the landscape that, collectively, increase resilience to extremes of flooding and drought, water quality declines, soil loss and the loss of natural habitat,” says a background document on the trusts.

Examples of projects, include:

• Wetland restoration

• Water retention projects

• Tree and grassland plantings

• Restoring or creating new habitats

• Soil health improvements through regenerative agriculture practices

In the last few years, MHHC has used the trusts to support 44 conservation groups and 119 projects.

Interested parties that want to apply for 2022 funding, need to act quickly.

The deadline to submit a letter of interest for the Conservation Trust is Oct. 8.

For the GROW trust, the deadline is Oct. 15.

For more information, go to


