¡Yo Quiero! Brands launches 100 percent Real Mashed Avocado

Yo Quiero introduces 100% real, Mashed Avocado

RHOME, USA – Yo Quiero!, a Texas-based company specializing in avocado, guacamole and dip products, is launching their new line of 100 percent Mashed Avocado.

This hand-scooped, natural avocado is chunky and ready to top toast, salads, sandwiches or just eat straight out of the package. ¡Yo Quiero!, which is known for always ripe, always ready guacamole products, is proud to introduce Mashed Avocado to their family of products.

“Avocados, with their health benefits, are being used for more than dips,” says Jay Alley, part-owner and vice president of Sales for ¡Yo Quiero! “Consumers are constantly looking for functional foods that are not just delicious but provide a benefit to their wellbeing.” With avocados being labeled a nutrient dense “Super Food” because they contain over 20 vitamins & minerals, fiber, phytonutrients and probiotic characteristics, consumers are finding ways to add avocado to their daily food routine.

¡Yo Quiero!’s Mashed Avocado includes a 2oz mini cup, packed in a sleeve of 4, and an 8oz, resealable cup. “The mashed avocado can be used during breakfast on toast, during lunch on a salad or sandwich, instead of dressing or mayonnaise, and at dinner on chicken or with salmon,” says Alley.

¡Yo Quiero! hand scoops their avocados at the peak of freshness. The avocados are lightly mashed, HPP’d to maintain freshness, packaged and shipped directly to store shelves. There is no need for consumers to “guess” when their whole avocados are ripe, they just need to open a package of ¡Yo Quiero! Mashed Avocado and enjoy. No mess. No-fuss. Just great, real Hass avocado.

Source: caribbeannewsglobal.com
