Pre-packaged food more common during corona pandemic

Sales of packaged food and takeaway food have both increased, reports According to a study at Åbo Akademi, these habits may be here to stay.

The corona pandemic has led to major changes in people’s daily lives. In the Åbo Akademi survey, more than half of the respondents said that their shopping habits had changed during the pandemic. About 30% of the 400 Finns who participated said that during the first wave of the pandemic they avoided some unpackaged products, including fruit and vegetables. Despite this, total vegetable sales increased by almost 10% last year. As a result, sales of pre-packaged fruit and vegetables are believed to have increased. Almost 60% of respondents reported buying takeaway food from restaurants during the first wave of the pandemic. Most respondents said that their purchases were mainly made to support restaurants.

Focus on packaging
Around 30% said that during the pandemic they had paid more attention to how packaging protects food. Many also considered the impact of packaging on the environment. Overall, 80% of respondents said that the changes in their choice of products in the grocery store are more or less permanent. The pandemic may therefore have lasting consequences for food consumption and for the choice of food packaging.

“The most interesting thing was that so many people felt that their buying habits were permanent and that packaged food became more common than before,” says Nina Tynkkynen, assistant researcher at Åbo Akademi and head of the project.

Photo source:

Source: Fresh Plaza
